
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Entwined with You (A CROSSFIRE NOVEL) by Sylvia Day

Entwined with You
I pre-ordered it from the Amazon.uk website and this is the cover I got. No idea why the perfume bottle.... But.. anyway..

Friends told me about the bad reviews the book was getting when I JUST started reading it. I got it early... like.. woke up and got it. Even before people in Australia or the US. I read it as soon as I got done from work. I wasn't even half way and people already finished and gave bad reviews??! When I was still squeeing over how sweet and super cute Gideon was?? Unbelievable. And as soon as I finished it, I looked at Amazon to see if the rumor was true about Entwined with You getting hundreds of 1 star review...

O.M.G. So hard to believe people in this world sometimes...
"I feared what would happen if he came at me full force when I was so starved for his body."
"He was shaking, and I cried, overwhelmed by the knowledge of how much he needed me."
"My passion was for him, my desire inflamed by his desire for me."
There is no way sentences like these belong in a one star book. Sylvia sure didn't wait many seconds before making it hot and heavy and intense as hell. I had my heart practically POUNDING reading it.

This book has a lot of Eva and Gideon in it. It shows his love for her. It's the love I love so much about this series and Gideon himself. So much. So intense. Everything gets explained. And their love has moved to another level. It's built up for it...The whole beginning of the book. Like something inevitable.

Then there are also a lot of other things happening at the end of the book.
Brett is back. Cary. Megumi. Deanna. The reporter. The detective. Anne Lucas. Elizabeth Vidal. Corrine. Giroux.

People are complaining that the book's been stretched. Well, there are so much happening. And with everything that's happening, Gideon and Eva are still the major part of it. And since I love love Gideon, the more the better and I promise... you won't hear me complain about the story being too long or the book's too expensive.

The only complaint there is though is that reading Crossfire ALWAYS makes me want to go back and reread Christian. They're both so rich and powerful. In bed and out of it. And I don't even have time to read unread books... And now I wanna reread both Christian and Gideon???! Thank you very much! Lol...

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