
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

''Thin Doctors Only!" Coming to a Hospital Near You?

There is an article posted on Medscape News on 03 May 2012

Can a Hospital Say, "Only Thin Doctors Can Work Here"?

According to Art Caplan, there are no laws against discrimination against overweight people, except in Michigan. So, it's legal for hospitals to say they are not going to hire anybody, doctors, health staffs, nurses, who is overweight.

In his opinion, he thinks the hospital shouldn't necessarily say that only the thin ones can work. He mentions treating other healthcare risks equally like wearing helmet on a motorcycle or a bicycle, wearing seat belts, or even riding horses, or own a gun because it is dangerous. He also thinks that patients can deal with seeing all kinds of healthcare workers with all kinds of habits and all kinds of lifestyles (and receive the right message about maintaining good health habits??- my own note.)

I have to say I disagree. I'm so glad to read this article and find out already after only first few paragraphs that this is legal. We all know that overweight and obesity lead to all kinds of health problems. Diabetes, coronary disease, knee arthritis,etc. And it's such a clear picture to imagine an overweight staff counsel people about health and says "Follow what I say, don't do what I do." See what I mean?

Want to weigh in your opinion? I'd be glad to know. :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Purpose (Soul Savers)

Purpose (Soul Savers)
Purpose is book #2 in Soul Savers series 
by Kristie Cook

I started Promise (Book #1) last week and I couldn't put it down until I finished it. 
Kristie Cook's so good at keeping me guessing what Alexis and Tristan really were.
I knew they weren't human but I weren't able to answer my husband when he asked what I was reading about. Strange was it. Addictive was it. I just had to find out. 

Believe it or not, the book was just like what the author said herself, Promise was just like a prologue of the series. And it felt just like that. 
I had to pick up Purpose as soon as I finished book 1.  

Purpose was just perfect. It's a book that made me cry. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fifty Shades

I was so innocent. I was just working. I was reading. I was following S on her RobStenation blog. And suddenly I came across this post

Kristen talks 'Fifty Shades of Grey' - From Entertainment Weekly

I had to know what it was all about.

O M G.

I ended up google it. And started reading. Once started, I couldn't stop. I started reading it right in the evening right after work. I ended up reading it through the night. The same night my husband and my bigger, 4 years old, son had to travel out of the country for 3 weeks. The same night I was supposed to pack for him. Given the clue it was "'Edward and Bella' are now Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele." I thought it had something to do with vampires. But I was dead wrong. It wasn't. And the surprise kept me reading.

Fifty Shades of Grey

I had a pause to sleep for 1 hour before I woke up to pack. Lucky my understanding husband wasn't mad because I, at least, have done my part. My son won't need anything. All his stuffs were all in the suitcase and carry on. Then I drove them to the airport. Came home and read again. I finished the book in the afternoon, all sleep deprived. I haven't had this feeling to stay up all night and read since Twilight series.

And, oh no, the surprise didn't end. I thought if I would just give it time and finish and be done, and I would gain my life back. But no,.... I read through those 528 pages to come to "End of Part 1".

*****serious jaw dropped right there*****

I had no idea I just got myself into another trilogy. Ah, man, sleepless nights, less appetite, busy schedule, trying to read in between working and taking care of the younger 2 years old boy, I lost 2 kg of weight at the end of the trilogy. I got to finish the last book, Fifty Shades Freed one week later, when I was on the plane with my little boy to reunite with the rest of my family. Ah.... what a memory. Still feel quite fresh like it was yesterday.

Books on my Kindle

Fifty Shades Darker
Fifty Shades Freed
Beautiful Disaster