
Monday, August 26, 2013

Behind The Scene

A little more than a year ago, 
I couldn't find a book to read after Fifty. 
I had no idea what the heck a kindle was. 

I read about 7 books a month on average. 
And buy at least 10 books a week. 
My unread pile is HUGE, it's over a thousand. 

I've gone from having no one to talk to about books 
to being a member of a bookclub, 
having several "imaginary" friends to talk to online. 

From having a trepidation to talk to my favorite authors 
now I beta read for some. 
And because of that I learned some "behind the scenes."

I learned that writing is hard working and time consuming. 
It involves lots and lots of work. 
Writing is one. 
Promoting is one. 
Worrying about the rating is another.
Writing requires your talent, linguistic ability, 
vast knowledge about your book subject, 
creative and unique plot. 
(and names?)
you might have to make sure names used in the book don't reconcile with real life people as it's a turn off for some readers a/o bloggers.

Web page. Facebook. Goodreads. 
Oh and nowadays, book trailers.

Rating is so everything.
 No matter how much you promote it, 
if a book has got bad rating, it's bad. 
But if it's good, it's really good. 
I for one look at the rating before buying a book. 
I may not read synopsis. 
But I do care for rating. 

I think I can summarize two big conclusions
which sure don't apply ONLY in book world,
but also in real life. 

You can't please everyone. 
Their opinion depends on their past experience.
Edmund Wilson - "No two persons ever read the same book." 

Be nice, since rating is everything....
One enemy is one too many <3

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